10 cool jokes about wine for CHEERS!
1. I'm walking on the road and "HEY" - in front of me - full wallet! I picked it up, turn it in my hands ... And as a good Christian I...

Wine snobberies to avoid
Do not be such a person! There's no question the world of wine is a bit scary, and when we are frightened, sometimes try too much to fit...

8 things that wine connoisseurs would not do!
Some serious taboos wine. He would never use ice cubes to cool the wine! We understand fully that you like your wine with ice, but it...

How to pour wine ?
Here's how to open and pour from a bottle of wine - the right way. It’s not necessary to take special glass for tasting wine, to serve...

Wine guide to "Star Wars"
Choosing the right wine among the vast selection of proposals often seem like navigation in the galaxy. "Star Wars: The Force awakens"...

Can vegans drink wine?
Why many wines are not suitable for vegans? Why do most types of wine are not suitable for vegans? You still talking about wine is made...

20 surprisingly simple ideas for combining food and wine!
Be inspired by these daily routines of food and wine. Do taco with chicken? Try it with white wine verde! Already familiar cocktail...

10 rules for combining food and wine
Easy principles with which to navigate and not make mistakes. Here are 10 most important principle of combining food with wine as "The...

Ideas for combining cheese and wine
Meet the modern variation and a classic combination of cheese and wine, then dice the details below for recommendations for specific...

Improve your life with sophisticated sense of taste!
The wine will change the way you think about food. To learn how wine tasting was one of the smartest things I've done for my health.It...

Beginners' mistakes
All we allow them, we can not deny it.If there is something in common between all experienced wine lovers - beyond endless search for...

The science of good wine
If lay a solid foundation, you will know how to find high-quality wine. What makes a good wine ... good? Understanding the processes...

History of wine
By the beginning of XVII century wine enjoys the advantage of only healthy and somewhat durable beverage. Drinking water, at least in...