History of wine

By the beginning of XVII century wine enjoys the advantage of only healthy and somewhat durable beverage.
Drinking water, at least in cities, it is not particularly safe. Beer without hops spoils quickly. There is no concentrates or so desirable today caffeinated beverages.
Europe drink wine incomprehensible to today's present size - our ancestors were in a state of almost constant intoxication.
Descriptions of wine before the beginning of the XVII century can not rely much. With the exception of some scenic speeches of Shakespeare ( "A wonderful penetrating wine that perfumes the blood"), focusing mainly on the miraculous healing properties of wine and not the taste and quality.
In XVII century everything changes - in Europe arrive chocolate from South America and then coffee from Arab lands and tea from China.
At the same time the Dutch discovered the art of distillation and mass began to use cheaper white wine from western France to produce concentrates.
Beer acquires greater durability by the addition of hops, and in major cities have drinking water as Roman times.
Wine seems to be not very favorable situation. We need new ideas.
So it is no coincidence that most of the wines today considered a classic, occurred in the second half of the XVII century, their success would be modest, if not quite in time invented the bottle and glass.
Ever since the Romans wine spends almost his entire "life" in a wooden barrel. Bottles or rather, clay, ceramic or leather invite only be used for transporting wine to the table.
At the beginning of XVII century advances in glassmaking allow making robust and inexpensive glass bottles. Around this time, someone brilliant, unfortunately remained unknown chapter brings together the bottle, cork and corkscrew.
Over time it becomes clear that the glass bottle and cork allow much longer storage of wine than wooden barrels.
It was also found that the bottle the wine develops in another way and form a bouquet of aromas.
The first, who got the idea for the wine "Reserve" or fortified wine from late harvest, owner of Chateau O-Brion.
In 1664 he even opened a restaurant in London - Pontak's Head (Pontac's Head) - to present to the public its new product. In the area Champagne French monk Dom Perignon creates incredible luxury wine mixture, in which aristocrats are crazy.
Due to the demanding nature of the climate in the region the wine begins to boil after bottling. What I did not like the servants of God, was adopted enthusiastically by the audience.
At the beginning of the XVIII century is changing and Burgundian wine - come to the fore intense, dark, vintage wines.
Trade in wine flourish.
In the producing countries is noticeable even excessive dependence of the economy on wine - in 1880 in Italy 80% of the population is engaged in production of wine.
At that time they are created and the first major export wines of Italy (Tuscany and Piedmont) and Spain (Rioja). In California heats first "wine fever."
At this point appears aphids.
It seems that it is the end of the wine, as almost everywhere vines are destroyed.
However, thanks to the streamlining of plantation, cultivation and selection of the most suitable varieties are the foundations of the new Vine and Wine.
A home filled with incredible difficulties and setbacks - dry mode, economic depression, World War II.
Amid the desperate reality, the French Government decided to take early measures for regulation and control of wine by categorization and control of geographical origin. On this principle tread wine laws of most countries in the 21st century.
The term "terroir" is mentioned for the first time.
Begins to emerge the most serious problem that will confront the next wine, 21st century - the unreasonable attitude of people towards the environment and its resultant global warming will force vintners to draw plans for survival.