8 things that wine connoisseurs would not do!

Some serious taboos wine.
He would never use ice cubes to cool the wine! We understand fully that you like your wine with ice, but it dilutes the taste. Instead, try to cool the bottle in the freezer for 15 minutes. Or bet example of Corkcicle.
He would never drink wine from a glass that is hot! If your glass just out of the dishwasher, give her time to cool - or hold it under cold tap water for a minute or two. The heat spoil the first impression of the wine - something true connoisseur would never allow.
He would never extended an red wine at room temperature!
When the bottle is served almost warm, different levels of tannin look rough - making the wine is not so pleasant to drink. Instead, it is better if it is slightly cooled. (Five minutes in the fridge should be enough.) He would not drink champagne from a narrow and tall glass type flute! Tall tight champagne glasses actually are designed to capture the bubbles so that they can move vertically and are attractive from an aesthetic point of view.The only problem is that they "close" and aroma of the wine, making it impossible smelling at every sip (which is a basic part of the experience).Instead, it is better to enjoy the champagne into a glass of white wine or ordinary cup.
He would never added any of champagne mimosa! Champagne is best in pure form. Wine connoisseur would use only prosecco - or other sparkling wine - when mixed with orange juice.
He knows that waiter's corkscrew is the best! Forget all the modern gadgets designed to open wine - waiter's corkscrew provides better control, faster and offers many more ways to save broken or crumbling cork than any electronic devices
He would never kept a wine direct sunlight! Even if it is in a wine refrigerator, direct sunlight can be "cooked" wine and change the flavor profile of fresh and matured to a more concentrated flavor of boiled fruit. (Or it can also "burn" taste. Too bad for the wine.) He ejected stayed more than four days old wine! You can close again with the cork as you want, but at the moment the wine gets into contact with oxygen, it begins to lose its flavor.Even four days may be too long - more reason to finish the whole bottle at the moment that you open.