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Wine snobberies to avoid

Do not be such a person!

There's no question the world of wine is a bit scary, and when we are frightened, sometimes try too much to fit in with a community. But unless you overdo it and just do some shameless self-sacrifice move, we are here to protect you from total failure. Because there is no greater sin than wine snobbery.

Once you learn something about something - wine legends behind "Star Wars," even weekly weather forecast - it damn hard not to share it with everyone. But especially with regard to wine, the path of the first steps to snobariyata actually pretty slick. If you have already found herself to toss informed opinions about wine with carefree abandon, be sure to follow our list to make sure it will never allow those most snobbish behavior. *

* To us the material completely scientific, and put evaluations of these offenses on a scale from 1 to 10 monocle - as a universal symbol of snobbery.

Excessive acceleration of the cup

This is an easy and early kind of wine snobbery - Acceleration of the cup like you're washing included centrifuge. Beyond the risk of splattering, it's just unnecessary. And a simple rotation is enough.

Level of snobbery: 2 monocle

Silent nose

You've seen the ads where someone makes a cup of coffee, he closes his eyes and smell with delicate but satisfied smile? If you look so while tasting wine, stop because it causes us all sincere horror. Unless you have a revelation comparable to that of Proust at the sight of madlenkite no need to close your eyes while inhaling the scent of a strange long period of time. The same goes for closing the eyes while the wine is in your mouth. The only plus in this behavior is that you will not see your friends your finger.

Level of snobbery: 4 monocle

Passive-aggressive wine taster

Someone finally decided that feels currant in its Zinfandel, but you feel something, and you keep telling him. "Hmm. Strange, do not detect any hints of cassis ... Actually ... ". Just do not. That person is trying, and you just sit and wait for a chance to fail in his efforts uncalled his snobbish.

Level of snobbery: 5 monocle

Segregation of wine

Organize a party and keep good wine in the kitchen (for consumption by you and other wine snobs), while export plonk in public areas for plebs. This is not good taste. How else people who may know nothing about good wine, they will learn something about it? Also, if you sit in the kitchen of glass five-ed in practice let someone else control the playlist. Your problems.

Level of snobbery: 8 monocle

Trying to compete with the waiter / sommelier

You did a lot, and it's wonderful, and really ought later to call his mother and tell her about it. But now you're at a restaurant with a trained professional so pleased to not enter into a debate about Baron that he has chosen. Leave your snobbery closet until the end of the evening.

Level of snobbery: 4 monocle

Repairing the waiter / sommelier

And here applies the same principle. Not that it did no reason to react, for example sommelier if you bring a bottle of burgundy for $ 2000 instead of Spanish Tempranillo what you ordered, but if it comes to small parts ( "These vines are grown in volcanic soil, my friend ...") or subjective taste ( "I've never heard anyone describe this wine as having hints of lichen ...") might just help it.

Level of snobbery: 6 monocle

Do not be Oprah in the world of wine

You do not go around the table and ask everyone what they think about wine? Stop doing it. You are not kindergarten teacher, nor are Opra Uinfri. You do not have to interview each of your companions what he thinks of wine which had just drunk. If you drink wine and wants to talk about it, maybe even through tears, he'll do it. If you still want to be able to tease people just keep questioning them about their work or about whether a boyfriend.

Level of snobbery: 5 monocle

Self as King of the wine list

It's great if you know enough about wine to choose a good bottle at the restaurant, but not always be the one who grabs the wine list immediately, as if to save all of the mass of the mistake does not leave you to choose from. Not only will you help your friends to learn more about wine, but you can make the second level of pleasure occupation of the wine snob: to give guidance for the selection of wine "from the backseat."

Level of snobbery: 3 monocle

Cancelation of medium-level wine list

The restaurant, which are obviously not the elite wine destinations, and you know it. But after watching the wine list 5 minutes, return it to the nerve sommelier and ordered a martini. In a fantastic display of snobbery, mate. No, not necessarily ordering wine that you hate, but not spitting wine list only because it will Grower champagne on glass. Level of snobbery: 4 monocle

Slaves assessments

Yes, you will immediately recognize. Never ordering wine, not to mention his assessment. "Parker gave this wine 96, which is almost unheard of." Fine, but you know what is also unheard of? Your hint of estimates. It's like whispering reviews of critics of friends during the movie. Believe us, it did not increase pleasure, but rather increases razdradnenieto. Level of snobbery: 5 monocle

Infinite sampler

All have long fun at the party. In fact, your cousin Sophie has become with its "solemn message." But at the moment of her mouth out the words "He and Phil ..." you lose your temper with "you chose admirably flexible wine and proud of you because ..." - and export 10-minute speech on this occasion. If reigns conversation unrelated to alcoholic beverages, save for Sauvignon monologue about the diary or blog. Level of snobbery: 7 monocle

Privacy wine independence

When someone served, ordered or even mentions wine endeavoring to request all gathered: "I drink only [fill in here]!" With such fervor, with as many Revival talk about "freedom or death." (Stating that are restricted throughout the world of wine to a single region, variety or style is not the best way to look savvy wine.) Level of snobbery: 7 monocle

Eric Ezoterik

Do not be Eric esoteric (or Erica - and yes, we chose this name because of the rhyme). Your knowledge of the Jura or the relatively small world of orange wine are something to be proud of and should direct you to many wonderful bottles. But discussing them thoroughly in a large company, especially when you force people to admit they have any idea what you are talking is one of the surest ways to lose friends and influence ... to anyone. Level of snobbery: 7 monocle

Police pronunciation

People regularly pronounce any names wrong. But when it comes to wine, or quinoa, correcting someone innocent mistake in pronunciation is downright annoying. In fact, even if you are well-intentioned, it seems extremely difficult to correct someone's pronunciation without looking like 110% ass. So unless someone talks about his exam for a master sommelier, let him speak for "Pinot gridzhio" although incorrect. It sounds fascinating, but your wine remains as good. Level of snobbery: 6 monocle

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''Велик подбудител е виното — омайното вино, увличащо дори най-мъдрия да пее, да се смее, да танцува и да изрича думи, които е по-добре да не бъдат изричани.'''

'' Great instigator is wine - the charming wine, captivating even the wisest singing, laughing, dancing and saying words that had better not be spoken. '' - Omir

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