How to pour wine ?

Here's how to open and pour from a bottle of wine - the right way.
It’s not necessary to take special glass for tasting wine, to serve wine as professionals. It is enough just to master a few tricks from the arsenal of sommeliers - and even the most clumsy of us (yes, we are human, it happens!) They will learn to open and pour a bottle of wine with confidence.
First you must to prepare.
Besides the bottle and the appropriate glasses, you need a nice corkscrew and elegantly folded napkin wetted corner. (Putting her on the hand may seem too formal, but certainly fit) And before you get closer to the table, check the temperature of the wine.
Are you ready?
Then continue.
Stand to the right of the guest. Do not put the bottle on the table to open it - keep it firmly in one hand, with the label facing the guest. With the other hand insert cutter just below the lower edge of the mouth of the bottle, where it rests in her throat. Using steady pressure of the blade of the cutter, cutting the foil around the bottle with one or two flat cut without rotating the bottle. Then position the blade parallel, pull the sheet up again with one or two smooth movements to loosen it, and finally remove it by hand. Ideally, the capsule should be removed altogether. (Firstly it's pretty awkward until you get used to and do not become your second nature.) With the wet end of the cloth, wipe the bottle neck. Insert the corkscrew in the center of the cork and twist firmly down again without turning the bottle until it came almost entirely (if you plug completely, there is a risk to drill the bottom of the cork - and it will look unsightly)
Lean wider hollow tip of the corkscrew on the mouth of the bottle and slowly begin to lift until the cork is not a little more than half removed; with the smaller, lower recess repeat the process to remove the cap completely (silently). Wipe the end of the cork. Holding the bottle in the right hand with the label still turn to the guest, start carefully pour the wine in the glass. Make sure that the bottle does not touch the rim of the glass. Just before to rotate the bottle quickly turn with the wrist, then tilt it back to an upright position to prevent drops. Wipe over the mouth of the bottle. If the wine should be chilled, put the bottle in a bucket of ice filled partially