10 cool jokes about wine for CHEERS!

1. I'm walking on the road and "HEY" - in front of me - full wallet! I picked it up, turn it in my hands ... And as a good Christian I asked:
- What would Jesus have done?
And yes ... I turned into wine!
2. Grandmother's friend likes to say:- If a purse can not get three bottles of wine, it's a wallet, not a bag!
3. Finally lived to see and I drink wine for 100 lev ... Well, it's true that they have 50 liters, but for 100 levas.
4. To all who invite me to coffee ... And had you for red wine not you heard?
5. This morning I had no one to drink coffee ... and poured wine.
6.A glass of red wine a day prolongs life by five years.- But this is already the third bottle!- I try for immortality!
7. The bar two aging blondes talk.One: I wonder how much truth there is in that women were like wine ... better with age?Other: I know that age is significantly cooler ... with wine!
8. When they ask me what I prefer - wine or women, answer this:- It depends on the year of manufacture!
9. People do not drink coffee! Causes aggression! Last night I went out with friends and drank four bottles of wine. During this time my husband to take home to drink three coffees ... have no idea how he had enraged the morning, I got home!
10. The Old Bear teach your child:
- And remember, my son! Red wine to drink when eating hunter. You eat fisherman drink white.