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The aging of our top wines takes place in underground cellar-tunnels, which go deep into the sandy hill behind the winery. These tunnels maintain constant temperature and humidity throughout the year....

The vines, from grape to wine

Grape picking is one of most important events in our area. The maturation of the grapes is strictly monitored by our team of enologists and agronomists ..

Our roots are Melnik and the wine true of origin. Melnik is a tradition, courage and destiny Melnik is wine.

The winery

The wines



Sandanski 2800

1 Georgi Kazepov str.

  • Facebook - Black Circle

Working time:


09.00 - 18.30

Saturday: 09.00 - 17.00

Sunday: 10.00 - 16.30

''Велик подбудител е виното — омайното вино, увличащо дори най-мъдрия да пее, да се смее, да танцува и да изрича думи, които е по-добре да не бъдат изричани.'''

'' Great instigator is wine - the charming wine, captivating even the wisest singing, laughing, dancing and saying words that had better not be spoken. '' - Omir

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