In autumn 2016 year opened our new winery. With that we started the modern legend. TF “Villa Melnik” Ltd is located in Southwest Bulgaria, near to Melnik.
The winery has an annual processing capacity about 250 tons of grapes. It built on three levels as the cellar built into the sandy hill. The process of vinification is organized so that the wine flow/stream/ moves through three levels of the winery by the force of gravity. In addition to being extremely energy efficient, this method allows us to treat the wine gently, without putting unnecessary stress on the grapes, and maintaining the wine’s natural structure.
The winery is provided with high-tech equipped from leading Bulgarian and international producers. We have stainless steel fermenters and storage tanks with a capacity of 100 liters to 10 tonnes. We have a pneumatic wine press with a central membrane and automatic bottling machine with a 600 bottles per hour capacity. The winery has its own laboratory for analysis of grapes and wine.
The aging of the highest quality wine comes in excavated in the sandy hill tunnels that ensure natural constant temperature and humidity. All winelovers can enjoy our wines welcome in our tasting room.

Our philosophy is to make high quality wines from traditional area grape’s varieties, trying to preserve the old wine traditions in the region that date back to Thracian.
For this purpose special attention to the grapes, that extraction from our vineyards.
The winery
Melnik-Sandanski field is the sunniest and warm Bulgarian region with a rich history and beautiful nature area in which wine is millennial traditions.From Thracian times in these lands began cultivating some old local varieties such as Shiroka Melnishka/ Broadleafed Melnik/, which even today is widespread in the region.
Our vineyards are planted on cinnamon forest, talus and alluvial soils that provide excellent conditions for their development.

Visit us
We will welcome you and will take you on a wine journey through time. You can see how we make wine with love and diligence, and finally invite you to try it.