Beginners' mistakes

All we allow them, we can not deny it.If there is something in common between all experienced wine lovers - beyond endless search for bargains - these are shocking memories of mistakes in the beginning.No one got away.
Anyone who has bought wine for several years and it is intercepted collector thrill over time, looked back and has said - "But what do I think?"
In fact, we all know what we thought.We thought that wine, which we praised all around is great. We bought it in huge quantities. Sometimes we paid quite a high price emptying their wallets to do so. It was the "end of the road" dream come true discovery.Then, some time later - a year or two, or ten - have returned to this wine and we wondered, "What the hell was I thinking? Why am I purchased or paid so much? How could I have thought it is so great? "If you are good with yourself, which is the most sensible choice, you will recognize the folly of youth errors in the wine world.You will realize that this was part of a nearly universal way to learn the most important things. We all go through it.
These are mistakes of beginners. And we have not come across anyone who was not a novice in the world of wine at some point in their lives.Even people like Lalu Bizet-Leroy, owner of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti and Domaine Leroy, which is blessed with a remarkable palate, candidly confessed years ago to the surprise of many, that "It took me 20 years to figure out why Romanée- Conti is the best winery. " She grew up there!What are these "mistakes beginners?" What you'll find below are several gaffe. The list naturally could also be quite long, so you rely on to supplement it.
Beginner's mistake number one:
Taking the power of beauty.If we have observed a mistake beginners above all others, it is a mistake to confuse power with beauty.This mistake beginners is so widespread because ultimately when you're new to wine, your strength is low profile in the eyes ... and the palate. "Wow!" you protest. "This is no longer wine."You can not miss it. And because of that feeling is pleasure. "Now I understand," you protest. Therefore, this error is the most common in beginners.It takes a very long contact with wine - hours, days, weeks, years on the table - to recognize how much more powerful is a wine with nuances and subtlety compared with aggressive and too much wine.
Naturally, there will always be a market for strong wines, not only because it always - thankfully - there will be new to the world of wine, but also because some powerful wines are really good. Most are not, but there are pleasant exceptions.Yet in his long ascent of love for wine, even lovers of wine are becoming more selective as long deep-sea fishermen who realize that the size of the fish are not the most important. More importantly how cleverly wine you fascinated - and vice versa.
Error Beginner number 2: Too many not very good wine.
If we have made a mistake beginners more than any other, it is to buy too much of not very good wine. We always like to take large quantities of wine we preferred cartons of 12 bottles.
The motive (in fact he remains until now) is that we would like to see how a wine evolves over time. We want to see the beauty of wine from his childhood to adolescence, adulthood and old age. For obvious reasons, we were especially susceptible to this in the beginning when we did not know each wine.
You can already guess for looming problem: what if the wine was not so good? If it is so worth the long-term care, quantity and investments? Absolutely correct. Embarrassing large number of our first purchases in the spirit of "too many not so good wine" simply do not withstand time. Instead evolve and transform, they just destroyed.
Incidentally, we have seen very often mistake number one to weave in error number two. Often see many auctions as collectors palate evolves with time and begins to prefer nuances and subtlety to the pure force. So far we have not seen a lover of wine, which after decades of drinking dump delicacy wine in exchange for power.
Beginner's mistake number 3 :
Stirring of the (high) price with quality.It is quite difficult to avoid error, we can not but admit it. We doubt that a person, including the absolute experts, who does not agree that if the wine is sold at a higher price, must, by definition, is in some sense better. That it reflects the discipline of sophisticated and astute free market. Huge mistake - and one that is far from just beginner's mistakes.When you start entering the world of wine it seems logical the more expensive wines to taste better than cheap. There is enough truth in the correlation between price and quality to look it as absolute fact. Yet it is not so, and that very much applies today.The fact is that bottle for $ 5 is unlikely to be as good as the one that sells for $ 20. Let's admit it. But once you go beyond a certain (arbitrary) border, usually $ 20, the relationship between price and quality is, as they say therapists dysfunctional.The high price now is much more a derivative of supply and demand, fashion, celebrities and location than the actual quality of the wine. It was not always so, of course. Once in the old days, when wine and people were either peasants or aristocrats cheapest wines were really terrible, and only expensive wines were well made. But now those days are long gone.How novice in the wine world to learn lessons from this mistake? Well that's the hard part. Unfortunately we have to pay to learn it (or someone else to pay it, if you're lucky). All we have to taste expensive wines, so we can determine how to approach (or come close) the cheaper wines to expensive. Many of them do, but not all.Not the fault of the beginner to pay a high price for a truly excellent wine. The mistake of the novice is to accept that the price guarantee you that.
Inevitable are these mistakes?
Is there a way novice to circumvent them? And we continue to assume that we're again novices unfamiliar to us wine category? This question remains unanswered.No less important is the question of what mistakes beginners are admitting you over the years? Who knows, maybe someone somewhere can be "saved" from our collective blunders.