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Специални вина

Here are our wines for connoisseurs: the unique orange wine and table wine us! And in our winery aged series of Magnum - Aplauz and Bergule that you can buy and take home or leave to mature in tunnels us another 100 years!



Sandanski 2800

1 Georgi Kazepov str.

  • Facebook - Black Circle

Working time:


09.00 - 18.30

Saturday: 09.00 - 17.00

Sunday: 10.00 - 16.30

''Велик подбудител е виното — омайното вино, увличащо дори най-мъдрия да пее, да се смее, да танцува и да изрича думи, които е по-добре да не бъдат изричани.'''

'' Great instigator is wine - the charming wine, captivating even the wisest singing, laughing, dancing and saying words that had better not be spoken. '' - Omir

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